KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System
Dr. Suzman now has the KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System. This new technology gives our practice the ability to take powerful 3D images, while using less radiation. The unit captures high-quality pictures and allows our practice to perform a wider range of diagnoses and treatments in the office, helping reduce multiple visits and rescheduling, saving our patients time and money.
Three-dimensional technology allows Dr. Suzman to better visualize the dentition, without having to send patients to a lab for radiology scans. Viewing an unprecedented level of anatomical detail helps Dr. Suzman diagnose more accurately and treat with confidence. The capabilities of 3D imaging offer a wide range of diagnostic possibilities such as implant placement, extractions, examination of oral pathologies, root fractures, and third molar evaluations. This breakthrough technology provides unprecedented x-ray views of the oral cavity.
Periapical and panoramic radiography have been augmented by the recent introduction of high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), allowing 3D assessment of third molars, tooth extraction, surgical planning, oral pathologies, fractures, and implant placement. Because the 9000 system focuses only on the area in need of diagnosis, the amount of radiation exposure is significantly reduced, delivering 10-30 times less exposure than other dental radiography systems.
Intra-Oral Camera
The intra-oral camera broadcasts images of your teeth instantaneously to a computer screen so that both the patient and doctor can review your oral health together. This wonderful technology allows you to relax in your chair while simultaneously visually observing the inside of your mouth magnified beyond normal size on an adjacent computer monitor. This allows you to make an informed decision of what path of treatment would be best for you.
Diagnodent is a laser that scans the teeth with harmless pulses of light to measure the density of the tooth. The Diagnodent greatly enhances our diagnostic ability by directly pinpointing the very beginnings of tooth decay. By detecting cavities early on when they are small saves you time, money and pain, while allowing you to keep as much of your natural, healthy tooth as possible.
ZOOM! Advanced Power Whitening
In two hours ZOOM! can transform your stained, discolored smile to one that can be up to 7 shades whiter. The advanced Power Whitening Light is the 3rd generation of Zoom lights. Once you are settled into a comfortable chair a high-powered hydrogen-peroxide gel is applied to your teeth. Then a special blue light activates the whitening agent. In about 2 hours, the treatment is over, your smile is whiter, and you look years younger.
Digital X-rays
Digital radiography (digital x-ray) is the latest technology used to take dental x-rays. This technique uses an electronic sensor (instead of x-ray film) that captures and stores the digital image on a computer. This image can be instantly viewed and enlarged helping the dentist and dental hygienist detect problems easier. Digital x-rays reduce radiation 50-90% compared to traditional dental x-rays. Your digital x-rays can be viewed online, emailed or stored electronically.
The Velscope System is a revolutionary hand-held device that enables the early detection of oral cancer. Velscope is the only adjunctive device cleared by the FDA to help discover oral mucosal lesions that might not be apparent or visible to the naked eye. I have tested this unit and find it very difficult to distinguish normal from abnormal tissue. I have decided not to include the velscope into my practice especially after speaking with some colleagues who feel there are too many false positives.
Oral CDx Brush Test
OralCDx allows for early cancer detection through a simple and painless BrushTestTM that uses a scientifically proven methodology to test common oral spots. This new strategy is making a difference. Thousands of dysplasias, pre-cancers and cancers have now been detected using the OralCDx BrushTestTM. Lives have been saved, thanks to the early detection ability of the BrushTestTM and the dentists who are using the test.
ViziLite Plus
Oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases when it’s caught early. That’s why the ViziLite Plus exam has been developed. ViziLite Plus uses technology that has proven successful in identifying soft tissue abnormalities in other areas of the body. A ViziLite Plus exam is particularly important if you are at increased risk for developing oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam can help your dentist or hygienist identify abnormal tissue, that might develop into oral cancer. An annual ViziLite Plus exam, in combination with a regular visual examination, provides a comprehensive oral screening procedure for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam is painless and fast, and could help save your life. I used to offer this in my practice but most patient declined the additional $20 fee(our cost) so I no longer offer Vizilite